Ok, this is a biggie!! Is it low fat? Low carb? High fat? High carb? Portion control? Point systems? Some magical supplement?
Well truthfully, if THAT'S the questions you're asking, I think you're barking up the wrong tree. It's about NUTRITION. It's not even about your waist size (though that can be a diagnostic indicator). It's about what we are doing to our bodies on a daily basis, 3 or more times a day. Everything we eat has a consequence on our health. Every time we eat, we have the chance to make ourself again, in a good or bad way depending on our choices. It's about giving your body what it needs to function at peak levels, or it's about slowly killing your body, robbing your life of years, and robbing your years of life.
Every time we eat, we have an opportunity to plant seeds. Seeds of health or seeds of sickness. And rest assured, the seeds we plant DO affect us, particularly if we plant the same seeds over extended periods of time. Every day, cells in our body die off. Red blood cells (RBC's) have a life span of about 100 days or so. Then they are killed off and must be replenished. Where does the body get the raw materials for re-making these cells? Right-from the nutrients we put in our body. So, literally, you are re-making your body each time you put food in your mouth! That's a good thing, because many of us really need to be re-made in a major way.
I don't have time here to go thru a list of what to eat and what not to eat in great detail. Instead I'll give a few basics. One rule of thumb is, if it doesn't grow, and it doesn't hunt, or you can't hunt it, it probably shouldn't be considered a food source!! Processed foods are never good for you (but hey, we all enjoy a good dessert sometimes I know, just not a HUGE serving, every night!). The other rule of thumb is, if it wasn't a food source a century or more ago, it's probably not a food source (meaning processed again).
Three things to avoid would include what I call the 3 whites: white rice, white flour, salt. I'll tell you another thing you should avoid at all costs: Soft Drinks. Even the diet ones have chemicals in them that do nasty things to your body like leaching calcium from your bones etc. And the artificial sweeteners in my opinion are as dangerous long term as sugar is.
Things to put more of in your body are simple: Vegetables, fruits, water, lean meats. Remember, eat real, whole food. Eat it raw when you can (well, not your meats). Eat often, with smaller portions and several healthy snacks during the day. Don't add the snacks without decreasing your intake at breakfast lunch and dinner though (too many calories will expand your waist!). And what Mom said is true: Breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day! It sets the tone for your day. Drink water all day long, drink more the bigger you are. Divide your weight in 1/2 and that's how many ounces of water would be a good goal for you to get to. Yes you'll urinate more, but you'll be flushing toxins out of your body regularly.
Remember, what you eat becomes you!