Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kids and High Blood Pressure

I recently received a message from a lifelong friend stating that their 18 year old athletic son had been seen by a doctor and had high blood pressure. Actually, I think it was a case of "white coat hypertension", but it was alarming to her family and his doctor initially. When they later checked his bp again it was fine, and at my office it was fine. However, I did let him know that I've read some studies showing that those with white coat hypertension can have be predisposed to hypertension in general.

Additionally, recent studies have begun to show an alarming trend: early stages of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) has been found to be more common in our teenagers ( than we thought. I personally have seen high blood pressure in high school children in our office. Why is this? Well, let's go back to the basics of wellness!

Remember, to BE well, we must EAT well, MOVE well, THINK well and REST well, right? Many of our children are growing up on non real food (edible food like substances), stressed because of tough schedules, family issues etc, playing too much Wii, and staying up half the night on the internet or texting their friends. All of this leads to poor health. Do you think we all of a sudden "get" high blood pressure? Of course not, it's a process that develops over time, based on lifestyle choices in how we eat, move think, and rest.

We MUST make changes in our kids lives for their health. Otherwise, the next generation will be worse off than our current sick generation! WAtch for seminars by our office on the Be Well formula, or schedule a Wellness Consult with us to start making changes now!

Until next time.....BE WELL!
Dr. B

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can You Eat Healthy In A Tex Mex Restaurant?

Sure you can! This is a biggie for me since I love Tex-Mex!

First, here are some danger spots: Chips, Salsa, and tortillas primarily. For the chips and salsa, I recommend that if you HAVE to have it, do it this way: Take the basket of chips, take about 5 out and ask them to take the basket away. Then, break the chips into smaller pieces to dip in the salsa. After all, it's the salsa we're after, not the chip when we eat it right? Also, try to order as quickly as possible to minimize the time you're left in front of chips/salsa. And remember, you don't need an appetizer if you have chips and salsa, that will keep you from over indulging.

Most of these spots have GREAT fajita salads. Use Salsa for dressing. It will fill you up! If not, order fajitas, and avoid the rice, maybe eat only the fajita meat or chicken, mixed with the veggies and some guacamole. If you MUST have tortillas, try to eat only one, and eat the meat alone after that. Or, put a TON of meat into one tortilla and that should be enough. Also, many times (most of the time) fajitas for 1 is enough for two, so if two of you want fajitas, order for only one and you'll have plenty!

Often times you can get a GREAT grilled chicken dish with onions and bell pepper on it. That's a great way to go also. Try to avoid the rice as usual.

There's a few options, so if Tex Mex is your fav, you can now go there minus the guilt!! As always, in restaurants, be willing to ask for a "to go" box immediately and put 1/2 your meal away to take home to avoid too many calories!

Be Well!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Drink This Not That??

Are you kidding me? Read the article linked below, but ignore the "drink this instead of that" part. Stay away from all of that toxic stuff, except maybe for an occasional treat.