Friday, September 10, 2010

If You Start Me Up...

I was thinking of that line from an old Rolling Stones song this morning as I was in a cycle class at 5:15 this morning. It seems like even though getting rolling that early in the a.m. is tough sometimes, once I complete the class, I am energized and ready to take on the day. I come out of that class wired up and fired up and feeling good about myself. What a great way to start my day, and bring an end to the week!

So my question to myself and to everyone is, what are we doing to get started up right daily? Do you have to be insane and burn 800 calories at 5 in the morning to start up right? Thankfully the answer to that is no for most people.

However, it IS important to find some way to get your day started off right..some way to set the tone for the day. I don't know what that will look like for you, it may look like a brisk walk, it may just be a healthy breakfast habit, maybe you need to have some focus time, or maybe some time connecting with God.

If your day seems to start with a countdown to 5 o'clock, or the next day off, then maybe it's time to start a new morning habit. Try a few different things to see what works best for you. In an ideal world, you might have some exercise time on some mornings, some quiet time others, or maybe some good quality time with your spouse or kids over breakfast.

I really don't know what it will be for you, I just know that you need to find what it is so that you do start your days off in the best way possible.

Until next time, Be Well!

Dr. Bruce.


Cherry Designs, Inc. said...

This is SO important! The sad thing is I am so inconsistent.

The days I'm successful, the day is great and like you said I have great energy all day. The other days, well I'm sure you know!

Do you have any suggestions for how to be more consistent???

Dr. Bruce said...

Great question, which leads to the concept of "The Power Of Why". There has to be a reason big enough to overcome all obstacles. When the reason is big enough, the facts don't count.

I'll have to see if I published this topic in here once before, if not I know I've written about it somewhere, maybe in the DockLine magazine.

Dr. Bruce said...

Here is a post on this blog about "When the Facts Don't Count"

When The Facts Don't Count
I had a conversation last night with some people from our LIFE group at our house. One person was talking about disciplined people, and what that looked like. He said he was jealous of several people in the group that were disciplined in how well they took care of themselves physically. He wishes he could do the same. It got me to thinking.

One of the things we do in our office is lifestyle counseling. We help people learn to integrate our Be Well formula into their lives. There is a saying that goes "Nothing happens without a dream". It's a true statement. In lifestyle counseling, I like to say, "Nothing happens without a 'Why'". In other words, no changes occur on a permanent basis without a big enough reason. And, when the "why" is big enough, the facts don't count. When the "why" is big enough, nothing will stand in our way of making changes. That is so true, that you can call it an undeniable truth. It's like gravity, it always works (well some would say gravity might have not been in full effect for some in the 1960's, but that's another story).

Here's how I know it's true: If I told you that you were going to die in 6 months if you didn't start walking 45 minutes/day 5 days a week, what would you be doing tomorrow? Answer: Walking. And the next day? Answer: Walking. Now that is an exaggeration to a certain degree of course, but you can obviously see that when the "why" is big enough, we'll do whatever it takes to make change.

We help people develop their "why" in our office with some simple, yet profound and effective exercises. It works every time, and if it isn't working, then they aren't focusing on their "why" enough, or they haven't made their "why" big enough. If you need help with developing your own personal "why", please contact us. It can mean the difference between a life with an abundance of energy and vitality and health, or one were you just exist, where your "get up and go" get's up and leaves you behind, and you're left wondering what happened, instead of making things happen.

Until next time, Be Well.

Dr. Bruce