Sunday, September 12, 2010

Speaking Of Starting Up.........

How well do you start your day up with regards to re-fueling? By the time you wake, it's most likely been well over 7-8 hours since you last had the chance to re-fuel. Your body at this point is now almost slipping into the "starvation" mode, meaning it is close to beginning to feel as though more fuel is not coming soon. This is one of the reasons that breakfast is SO important. Your blood sugar levels have dropped, and the next thing you put in your body may be the most important.

Too much in the way of bad carbs, sugar, refined foods will send your blood sugar levels skyrocketing, setting the foundation for ill health in the form of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases. We often complicate matters more by SKIPPING breakfast entirely (and I hear a lot of excuses as to why people skip) and not eating til lunchtime, when we again often give in to our cravings because we are "starving".

Needless to say, Mom was always right when she said "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"!

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