Sunday, October 10, 2010

One Step At A Time

If you are in poor shape or health, how did you get there? Answer: 1 step at a time. Most of us weren't born unhealthy, weak, obese and sickly. In truth, we were designed to be super healthy! We got into the condition we are in one step at a time. One bad habit started, one good habit dropped, and that's all it takes to start us down the pathway to illness.

How do we get into good health? Answer: 1 step at a time. Yes, to reverse the trend, all it takes is to start one new health habit that is good for you. Tomorrow start walking, or take some time to de-stress, or maybe eat one healthy meal each day for the next week. You are now on the path to wellness. But we can't stop there, we have to add in more new habits.

Once we get a new habit ingrained in our life, then we need to try another one. If every month, or every week we add in one new habit that is healthy for us, think where we could be in 12 months? 24 months? 5 years? The possibilities are endless.

They key is just a little at a time. And, I prefer to focus on ADDING in new GOOD habits rather than trying to cut out bad habits. As we increase the good habits, they bad habits will start to fall off.

Remember, one step at a time!

Until Next Time.....BE WELL!

Dr. Bruce

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