Monday, December 14, 2009

In The Midst Of The Insanity.....

that occurs this season, remember a couple of important things.

1. Your health is your greatest asset while walking planet earth.

2. Remember to recharge your battery.

3. Remember to eat well while you can, because the next opportunity to eat Christmas treats is just around the corner.

4. Remember to increase your H20 intake.

5. Remember to keep on moving by exercising. I know sometimes you just "don't have time", but we may have to MAKE time for it.

6. Remember to rest. Don't let your immune system suffer by not resting well!

7. Remember the reason we celebrate this season. Peace on earth, good will to men.

Until next time, BE WELL!

Dr. Bruce


Dori said...

I really enjoy your blogs and words of encouragement;thanks

Dr. Bruce said...

You are welcome Dorian, and I thank you for reading them and enjoying them. Do me a favor and let a few others know about it!

Merry Christmas