Friday, October 22, 2010

Weekend Wellness Warriors

It's Friday, and the weekend is here. I don't know about you but the weekend offers plenty of opportunity to do great things and not so great things. Does that sound familiar to you?

Often we don't cook as much, we might go out a bit more. We might have a bit more wine, or a margarita or beer. We might sit all afternoon watching football Saturday AND Sunday.

The weekend is an easy time for us to get off base with our wellness plans. But, it also offers opportunities to do MORE wellness activities. From the simple things like going to a festival (walking a lot) to family bike rides, grilling healthy meats and veggies and more.......these opportunities are there for the taking. I like the idea of doing something with family, especially if you have kids. This helps them learn the value of a wellness lifestyle, and sets a good example for them, which can affect the generations to come.

I love the phrase, "People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan". It's so true in every aspect of life, and wellness is no exception. Plan out your weekend in a wellness way.

Until next time...BE WELL

Dr. Bruce

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